Vintage Deli Love a Collaboration
Photographer - Emma Pull (Twitter)
& Nikki Legg (Twitter)
MUA - Hollie Lewis (Twitter)
Hair - Emily Franks (Twitter)
Model - Chantel Barden (Twitter) with Sandra Reynolds
All clothing can be bought from Vintage Deli -
So we were looking for something a little pretty, a little dark, a little cultured to portray the variations in fashion through the ages & how they blossom through into todays trends.
All of the outfits in this shoot are VINTAGE -
The Very Best in Tailored Clothes
They really did know how to make clothes, they had the time & skills to produce works of art & not mass produce copies like today.
Imagination, Design, Time, Effort & Style
On a crappy day in the depth of Norfolk we found the perfect inspiration from the neatly preened gardens to the wild and vocal forests.
We hope you ENJOY